Wednesday, May 6, 2009

IDIOT ENGINE episode 7: Those Special Moments (Sniff!)

Thanks to MARK RUDOLPH for cohosting the ENGINE this week! The guy's Classy like Freddie Blassie! Illustrator, Podcaster,Comic book Professional, cohost of ART & STORY and ART & STORY ALIVE and the upcoming ART & STORY VIDEO PODCAST! And cohost of the REQUIUM Metal Podcast to boot! Whew, the guy gets around!


Inkfink said...

Another FANTASTIC episode! I dig the Nick of Time devil head prop too! Here's a site with plans to build your own!:

One of these days I'll build one of these and get that ol' Shatner paranoia!

thefusionman said...

Thanks! Those designs are pretty cool! I wonder if there's anybody out there who can make a replica of the "Glass Hand" computer from OUTERLIMITS: Demon with a Glass Hand...