It's a shame I can't show you guys all the neat people and stuff at the show, from RAFAEL NAVARRO and his friggin Amazing comics and SKETCHBOOK( honestly, every time I look at his work I am filled with equal parts awe and envy! The dude is simply great at capturing the best of the comic art form) to all the other amazing artists and creators in attendance, Jose Cabrera friggin CRYING MACHOMAN himself was there as was SHERM COHEN! Like I said, I can't show you everything, so all I can do is encourage you to check out your local comic shows and meet the people that make the stuff we all dig so much!
Gotta thank Javier Hernandez, Jim Lujan, and Sal the owner of Geeks (and everybody else who took part in the show!) for doing such a great job!
Yep, I'd say your view on GEEKS CON is a great way to look at it. Lotsa great art, good people, and everyone
sharing their projects.
Nice to go home with some lettuce in your pocket, too!!
True, Javi very True!
Literally lettuce. And one customer tried to palm off an old head of cabbage instead, but I caught on really quickly. Can you believe that still goes on?
Geek Con was definitely on! If the second annual Geek Con is just as good, I'll be content! But I'm sure it'll get bigger and better every year!
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