Sunday, April 24, 2011

Don't let go until it's over!

Yup, I said I was done like 6 hours ago, but you know what? It was still a little "Raw" in the middle. I rendered the kneeling figure more and I think it helps the piece. One thing I've learned over the years of making my own comics and stories and personal art is never be afraid of going back in when you know you could make your work better. That's one of the few advantages of doing your own personal work, YOU have the time to go all the way with it.
That being said, I can't honestly say I went ALL THE WAY with this piece, but I know I at least got to third base!

Final version of Final Battle

Here's the final version of the final battle for my current project, THE DEATH'S HEAD TRANSMISSION. I had a tough time before figuring out how to render the energy of the battle, trying a couple approaches before finding just the right one, but I found it. It's always satisfying finding that round hole for that round peg, or using another analogy, finding that last piece of the puzzle that brings the whole picture together! Man, I dig analogies.:)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Prelim painting for my latest series...

Here's the preliminary painting for another piece in my latest series THE DEATH'S HEAD TRANSMISSION. Man, I dig having a painting I can wake up to. It's like having cold pizza in the fridge or having the last few chapters in a favorite book to finish. Sometimes, "Getting" there IS where the fun is really at!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Craft Fair 2011

I just got back from the Spring Craft Fair where I had a fun time talking with some delightful vendors and public. It was a rather small turnout this time around, but I managed to make a few sales and make a few "smiles" with some free sketches. Afterwards, I stopped by a local store and sold a few more books which made my sales for the day tip JUST over my table costs, which is always a good feeling. There are a few watermarks one tries to meet when tabling at a show...

(1) Make table cost
(2)Make expenses cost-motel/hotel/gas/meal
(3)Make production costs-gross sales are not Net sales, it costs money to print the stuff-
(4)Make labor cost-paying ourselves for our time and labor making our merchandise-
(5)Make "Build a gigantic robot statue" cost, wherein you make enough money to build that gigantic robot statue in that public park you just know EVERYBODY wants someone to build.

One of these days that friggin' robot statue is gonna be made and all will rejoice... Who's going to be the one to get it made? Maybe... YOU! So keep the faith and keep convention-ing!