So, what's a SKETCH COMIC? It's a homemade one-of-a-kind comic done completely by hand, from pencil to ink to inkwash to lettering to painted cover to stapled binding. There's a really refreshing immediacy you feel when inking on the ACTUAL pages of your comic and painting on the ACTUAL cover of your book. There's not a wide margin for error, that's for sure. But it's great fun, and a good exercise for your artistic muscles.

Just imagine, JUST IMAGINE how friggin' amazing it would be to find out that JACK KIRBY did a Sketch comic, or STEVE DITKO or HERB TRIMPE or even ALEX TOTH! Well, I ain't no JACK KIRBY, I'm just "me" but I made one and it's not my imagination, and I guess that counts for something!
That's a one-of-a-kind, Ted! Would love to read the story! How do you hang this in a gallery/show? :) How many pages? how long did it take? what paper did you use? Very very nice and unique.
This looks amazing. I really like that cover. Great design, Ted.You're right, what a great artistic exercise.
I don't know I'd exhibit it in a gallery setting, I'd opt for selling them much like people sell sketch cards. It didn't take long to put together, and I used a heavy card stock that would support ink and wash and acrylic paint(for cover) on front and back, Feel really inspired by everything and EVERY one (and, yup, I'm pointing right at you Jose!) Good time to create!
Speaking of inspiration, Big Jim Lujan, Thanks Man!
Awesome, man... awesome.
Likewise on the inspiration!
Wow! Ted this is really cool. I love it! Looks awesome!
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