After I gave up trying to literally follow my pencil rough this one came together for me. I just focused on what the image was about, instead of what it looked like and that was the anchor that kept the piece grounded. Of course, if something only looks like something to you, then I wonder, does it REALLY look like something? Does a tree really fall in the woods if nobody hears it fall? Hmm, sure it does! In that case, this one is okay!

This one is pretty straight forward, though again it only started to work once I stopped trying to follow my pencil rough. Painting really can show me what something is when I stop trying to "Draw" it. Thanks Painting!
Your work has great energy to it and I love the colors. Great as always Ted.
Unbelievable! Your willingness to keep pushing the boundaries of your creativity...that's just inspirational as heck. Soon your paintings are going to be burning a hole in the canvas they're painted on!
Thanks guys! Burning a hole in the canvas.... Hmm, I wonder, maybe painting with matches...:)
THanks Byron, I'll check it out! Great meeting you too!
Wonderful work! I'm re-tweeting this one!!!!
Awesome point you are making. Even when I'm inking, I'm modifying my pencils. I can't wait to see the this happen when I give painting a more serious try.
thanks for sharing, Ted!
These, like already said, are so full of energy!
Thanks! Gras, Jose!
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