Here's the Post Apocalyptic Version of Zombieman Zero. I was worried his body type was too generically buff, AND his split face was again TOO generic, but that's just who he is. Don't be afraid to be generic when the situation calls for it. That goes for more than just art too. Now Go get me a sandwich! (J/K... just making fun of my Mr. knowitall big mouth!)

I really like this one, Ted. Simple and true. Really striking figure.
AWESOME. Loving these paintings Ted.
These are great. You should do a whole comic in this style!
Man, this is a beauty. The posture of the body seems so authentic, and it's painted very naturalistic. And I like how the face has a more heavy-handed graphic design look to it.
Solid work man, SOLID!!!!
Thanks guys! These latest paintings are for my next SUPER MAN-MONSTERS project combining paintings with comic pages, similar to the SUPERMONSTERAMA (which I'm still waiting on from the printer-)
Fantastic work Ted.
Thanks Man!
POW! Intense and brooding and aggressive and downright nasty! It's amazing how much energy this has for a character in a static's like a white-hot rusty spring just ready to go off.
I love where you're going with these new paintings!
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